About Us

Vix Event is an international company that has been operating in various areas of the tourism business since 2015. The company unites like-minded people who have been passionate about their work for many years.
They drew on unique knowledge in the field of tourism around the world in order to then create something definitely interesting and innovative. Our accumulated experience allows us to provide unique services, eliminating all possible disadvantages. The main mission of our company is to do everything possible to give you positive emotions every day and change the world for the better!

The Vix Event team are professionals who have been working in travel industry for many years. Each of us has a great knowledge base in the tourism business. All this helps us to solve even the most difficult problems and overcome any difficulties.


Every day our team works to ensure that your travels and events are at the highest level. The client's happiness and the festive atmosphere are based on the enormous work of the team and the corporate responsibility.


We provide high quality customer service. Vix Event specializes in providing travel services in the tourist market services. The quality of the services provided is a guarantee of stability and a visiting card of our company.


Flexibility is an important competitive advantage. We are always ready to fit into any request. We are appreciated for being able to provide a quick solution. We proceed from the premise that there are no hopeless situations. Never. Vix Event is your guide to the world of luxury travel and events

Striving for discovery Striving for innovation
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